
Home » Training Climb Success on Scafell Pike: Another Step Closer to Conquering Kili

Training Climb Success on Scafell Pike: Another Step Closer to Conquering Kilimanjaro

On a bright and beautiful day, a determined group of climbers took on the formidable Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England, as part of their rigorous training regimen for the upcoming Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge for a Cause. This climb marked the second significant milestone in their preparation, following their successful ascent of Snowdon.

The weather could not have been more perfect. Under a clear blue sky, with the sun casting a warm glow over the rugged landscape, each climber pushed through personal barriers and embraced the challenge.

Leading the charge was Kate Adamczyk, Director of Marketing and Business Development at the Electrical Industries Charity. Kate, who will also guide the team up Kilimanjaro, shared her excitement: “Seeing everyone come together and complete the climb up Scafell Pike was truly inspiring. This climb was not just about building physical strength but also about fostering a sense of unity and mutual support. I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved so far and am confident this team is ready for the challenges ahead.”

With each step taken up Scafell Pike, Kate, Elliot and the rest of the team edged closer to their ultimate goal – conquering Mount Kilimanjaro. This training climb was more than a physical test; it was a testament to the dedication and spirit of every participant.

As they descended from Scafell Pike, spirits were high and the bond among team members was stronger than ever. The glorious weather mirrored the optimism and determination within the group, setting a positive tone for the challenges that lie ahead.

Stay tuned as this remarkable team continues their journey, training hard and aiming high, all the way to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Together, they are not just climbing mountains; they are making a difference.

If you would like to show your support for those taking on this monumental challenge visit out fundraising page here –

Challenge for a Cause – Kilimanjaro: 27th September to 7th October 2024