Support Services
As an industry charity it is more important than ever to not only help support those in the industry with physical and financial wellbeing, but their emotional wellbeing. We know that intervention requires a holistic approach, and that each person will have their own unique requirements.
Our services are available to our industry members and their households. Therefore, we are currently providing a wide variety of key services with focused support to meet every individual’s needs, such as:
Our Services
- Mental health support
- Bereavement counselling
- Legal advice
- Advocacy
- CV Support following redundancy and job loss
- Psychiatric assessments
- Will support
- Emergency financial assistance

- Applicant must be actively working within the electrical or energy sector, unless employment has ceased, or paused due to ill-health, disability or retirement
- Applicant must be able to evidence that last held position was within the industry
- Majority of work history must have been within the UK
- Those in the same household and who are related to the eligible party will be considered for support on a discretionary basis
The Electrical Industries Charity reserves the right to decline support requests if eligibility criteria are not adequately met and evidenced on request. Support will, at all times, be discretionary and circumstantial.
Find Help
Reach out to the EIC now.
You can call, email or complete the ‘get in touch’ form to contact us.
Our helpline is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm:
0800 652 1618
If you need support out of hours please click here for further details